News Stories and Press Releases

DEADLINES: News items are welcome anytime. SEND TO: news@mendonoma.com • OR CALL: 707.884.3501 EX. 116

Paid Display Announcement Sponsorship

DEADLINE: Space reservations are due by 5:00 PM Monday. See PLACE A PAID DISPLAY ANNOUNCEMENT in the Display Announcements PAID DISPLAY ANNOUNCEMENTS section for full details. SEND TO: display@mendonoma.com • OR CALL 707.884.3501 EX. 112


ICO Trade Winds classifieds reach nearly 2000 readers every week both here in Mendonoma and in other California communities. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: Classifieds submissions are due by 5:00 PM Monday.
SEND TO: classads@mendonoma.com • OR CALL 707.884.3501 EX. 111

The Fence Post • Letters to the editor

FENCE POST letters to the Editor is a forum of ideas. Letters and should be limited to 300 words and emailed. See the Fence Post section in the ICO for complete details.
LETTERS DEADLINE 5:00 PM Tuesday. SEND TO: letters@mendonoma.com

The Telescope • News About Family and Friends

Share your news with your neighbors in the ICO Telescope column. Got married? Had a baby? A family reunion? A graduation? Or other big event in your life> Let it be seen through the Telescope.
TELESCOPE DEADLINE • News items and photos for The Telescope should be submitted by 12:00 noon on Monday. JPEG photos must be 300 dpi or higher.
SEND TO: telescope@mendonoma.com

Splash • Arts & Entertainment

There is always something going on in Mendonoma. Art Shows and Exhibits. Live Theater. Dances. And other events SPLASH DEADLINE: Entertainment items and photos for the Splash section are due by 12:00 noon on Monday.
SEND TO: splash@mendonoma.com"

Mark Your Calendar

We publish a calendar of non-commercial events in our community. Call us so we can put it on the schedule and alert you at the same time of any other events already registered that might conflict. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT AN EVENT


Each week, we print a schedule of regular public meetings of local civic organizations.

Mendonoma Sightings

Flora and fauna abound throughout Mendonoma. If you take photos of the local wonders of nature, Jeanne Jackson would like to see them, and most likely share them in the ICO.

SIGHTINGS DEADLINE: There is no deadline for Mendonoma Sightings. Items will be chosen and printed as timing and space allow.
SEND TO: sightings@mendonoma.com

Legal and Public Notices

The ICO publishes legal and public notices. Deadline is 5:00 PM on Tuesday.
SEND TO: legals@mendonoma.com


As a service to the community, the Independent Coast publishes obituaries for people connected to the area in our news columns at no charge. We do edit these obituaries to conform to our own and the Associated Press news style. These edits are generally minor. Obituary information can be sent by EMAIL TO news@mendonoma.com. Occasionally a family will want an obituary published exactly, word-for-word as they have written it. In these instances, the obituary will be a sponsored ad. EMAIL: display@mendonoma.com for a quote on the cost of sponsoring such an obituary ad.